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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Yin to my Yang

Or is it the yang to my ying? hmm, well I could also say...

the mustard to my ketchup

the pepper to my salt

the pen to my paper

the milk to my cookies

the chips to my salsa

the pain to my ass

well, whatever way you say it the topic is my better half. My husband. Without one the other just isn't the same. We compliment eachother very well. Why am I all lovey dovey about him? NO, he didn't pay me. I take those paychecks and OWN them. I'm all lovey dovey because it's our 14th Anniversary!!

I cannot believe it has been 14 years. At some points in our marriage we were lucky to make it past 4 hours!! We've had some rocky times that 's for sure. But, they've made us stronger and more of a team. Somedays I'd still like to deck him and I'm sure he'd say the same thing, I really don't know why. No matter the day or how much of a pain he is I love him. I cannot imagine my life without him. Well, I can but it ain't pretty.

When I met him I knew he was THE ONE. I still swear I heard angels singing the minute I saw him. It was like everything else ceased to exist. We dated for a year, lived together for another year and finally got married in October. He wanted to get married in the early morning so that when he said I do he could see his breath. For some reason that didn't happen. We didn't have a big wedding, and that still seems to fit who we are. But when it gets cold and you can see your breath I'm reminded of my husband and it makes my day so much sweeter.

We've had our share of problems and I'm sure that are many more to come. But I know that with him by my side we can conquer the world. I'm stronger because of him. We've also had some great times together and I hope many more to come. There have been challenges along the way but together we overcame. Because of him I am a better person and he is better dressed.

I'm so glad that I am lucky enough to have found and married my best friend, someone who gets me and still likes me. He makes me happy and treats me like a Queen. He makes me laugh and cry and he is really good at frustrating me. And I would not give it up, never, not without a big huge fight. He is my rock and he means the world to me. He is worth the troubles and the tears. He truly is the bread to my butter.


Anonymous said...

For those of you that do not know me, I am the Yin to Laurel's Yang.
14 years... WOW!!! I remember saying at 5 yrs "I never thought I would be with anyone this long" which got the response "gee thanks". I always thought that was funny.
They say time flies when you are having fun, well, these 14 years have flown by. One thing I can say for sure, I would go back and re-live every up, every down, every good, and every bad with you again without a second thought.
I will always remember the day we married, cold and cloudy the days before and the days after. But that one day, amongst all the gloom, was warm and sunny just for us. Even though I can be the pain to you ass, and vise verse, you make every day I am with you warm and sunny. Quite frankly, I know it sounds clique, You Complete Me.

I will love you with all of my heart until eternity ends...


SILLYA said...


Spencer Reeve said...

You guys are just too cute for words, besides my words will never measure up to yours, nice writing :)

The Wheat and Holte Family said...

So happy for you both Ying and Yang!!!! You are both AMAZING and we are so happy to know you!! Congrats on 14, though I know your love will last to eternity..

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a sweet post.

Anonymous said...

You two look like two little teenage lovebirds STILL after 14 years!

I know exactly what you mean about your hubby--I feel the same way about mine. I would say my husband is um...the punchline to my jokes. HAHAHAHAH. Sorry couldn't help myself. Humor keeps it fun:)

Jenny said...

What an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations on weathering all these years together.