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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The bad mommy award goes to ME!

All my kids started school today. They looked so nice and were all ready to go, even Jake who really doesn't like school too much but we keep working on it. We do the regular neighborhood breakfast and then walk down to the school. We didn't make it to the teacher meet and greet because we were in Nebraska and Singapore, so we find where the kids are lining up and say our goodbyes and goodlucks. They are just sooo excited. I leave Jake in  his line and go to pay lunches. I get a strange feeling that I need to check on my kids and I go to Nat's classroom first. They don't have her on "the list" even though it is posted outside with her name on it when we looked Tues. morning. So, they don't have a desk ready for her at all. Same thing with Jake and this kid gets very nervous when he is unsure about something. I did tell the school we were moving but they would be in classes the first month until we moved. So I don't know what happened. Seeing their faces when they found out they didn't have a desk or any of the cool new stuff all the other kids had just broke my heart. They both handled it well but I should have checked to make sure all was set with the classes. I just assumed since the class lists outside had their names on it that they were still enrolled, the DAY BEFORE school started. I hate seeing my kids feel left out and like they don't belong, this year is going to be hard on them enough without their mom dropping the balls and keeping life smooth for them. I ended up getting a banana split for lunch and a grape slush. I wish you didn't feel so bad for your kids sometimes, I'm sure they will come home from school all good but I'll carry this guilt for a few days. At least I know that they have desks waiting for them in Singapore. I SAW those ones!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To water or not to water

While we were gone these last 2 weeks we had a friends 16 year old daughter come and take care of our dogs so we didn't have to pay the kennel bill. Plus, we had watched their dogs twice so they kinda owed us. We get home last night after 13 hours of driving and I walk in to see dirty dishes in my sink! Now, I'm one of those people whose house is spic and span when I leave for any amount of vacation. I'm worried I will die and I do not want someone coming into my home and seeing how much of a pig I really am. So, finding dirty dishes in my sink was not one of the best things to come home to. On top of that the 3 plants that I have carefully nursed along the way and actually havent' killed yet are dead. Well, maybe not the cactus but it looks to be on it's last legs. Now, how lazy is it to put dirty dishes in my sink and not water the 3 plants that you see dying. I think it's just common sense, even at 16. Bob disagrees. I'm not saying she had to water all my plants just the ones where she obviously was looking! I've got the dishes done and all that now but it really did just tick me off last night!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Trendy toes

Before we left for our Nebraska and Singapore vacations I took Natalie to get a pedicure. We decided to do this new trend called trendy nails unlimited at the pedicure boutique. They are basically stickers you can put on your toes or fingernails to add some extra sassiness to your nails. Check them out here. I got the crowns for my toes and Natalie ended up getting just her big toes with the psychedelic nails. I loved them and think it is a cute idea. I think I'll get the zebras or plaid next. They are very addictive with all their different options. I'm not sure if I can get them in Singapore and I'll be wearing sandals ALOT more then I ever did in Utah.

When we went to Nebraska we also visited the Omaha zoo and I lost one of my stickers. I thought I'd have to do without the sticker for the remainder of our vacation. However, when I was out with my sisters doing our traditional pedicures I got it replaced! But not with stickers! The lady hand painted the crowns on my toe and you can't tell the difference! It's my little toe here  and it is an EXACT match. The ladies laughed so hard that I was putting stickers on my toes when all they had to do was paint it on. They really thought I was crazy. Then one of the ladies high fived my sister and said "Nebraska rules, we are better". It was hilarious. I know those ladies were making fun of me and my toes. AND then they ended up painting cute decorations on everyone elses toes.

Aren't we so cute? and mine are the only stickers!